The National Scholastic Honor Society for colleges and universities with a Catholic tradition shall be known as Delta Epsilon Sigma.
The purposes of this Society shall be to recognize academic accomplishments, to foster scholarly activities, and to encourage a sense of intellectual community among its members.
Section 1.
Officers and Terms
The National Officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Chaplain. The President, and the Vice-President shall be elected for terms of two years. The Secretary-Treasurer and the Chaplain shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a term of three years. Newly elected officers shall be installed at the first meeting of the Executive Committee following their election.
Section 2.
The President and the Vice President of the Society shall be elected by mail ballot of members, in accordance with procedures set forth in the Bylaws of the Society.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the National Officers of the Society, and four other members to be elected for staggered three-year terms. This committee has responsibility for carrying on the business of the Society.
The Executive Committee may authorize other committees as needed.
Section 1.
A chapter of the Society may be chartered and established in any incorporated and regionally accredited college or university with a Catholic tradition granting Bachelor’s or higher degrees, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Bylaws of the Society. There shall also be a chapter at-large. Nominations for membership in this chapter may be submitted to the National President by any member of the Society, and elections to this chapter are by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Section 2.
The chapters of the Society shall be named by letters of the Greek alphabet in the order of their establishment as chapters.
Section 3.
Chapter Constitutions and Bylaws
Each chapter shall adopt its own constitution and bylaws, which must be consistent with the National Constitution and Bylaws and which must be filed with the National Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 4.
Chapter Officers
Each chapter, except the chapter-at-large, shall elect officers. Each chapter shall also have a faculty advisor, who is a member of the Society and who shall be responsible for the conduct and well-being of the chapter. The name of the faculty advisor shall be filed with the National Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 5.
Suspension or Forfeiture of Charter
The Executive Committee of the Society shall have power to place on probation, suspend, or dissolve any chapter whenever it deems that the welfare of the Society shall be served by such action. No chapter shall be placed on probation, suspended, or dissolved without the opportunity of presenting its case before the Executive Committee.
Section 1.
Any person who shall have met the requirements set forth in the Bylaws of the Society shall be eligible for membership in the Society.
Section 2.
Each chapter of the Society shall elect its new members in accordance with its own constitution and bylaws.
Section 3.
A person shall be a member of this Society after initiation in accordance with the ceremony prescribed by the Society and after meeting the obligations and requirements as established by the Society, the Executive Committee, and the local chapter. The amount of the initiation fee shall be the sum of the national fee and the fee of the local chapter.
Section 4.
Membership in the Society is continuing and transferable from chapter to chapter.
Section 1.
Any member of the Society may propose legislation, but the power of legislation for the Society shall be vested in the National Assembly except as herein limited.
Section 2.
At the National Assembly each chapter represented shall have one vote, and excepting in action upon amendments to the Constitution, each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote. No member attending a National Assembly may have more than one vote.
Section 3.
Election of Delegates
Delegates shall be elected by each chapter promptly after official notice of the call of the National Assembly has been received by the chapter. The chapter shall notify the Society of the results of the election.
Section 4.
Time and Place
The National Assembly shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Executive Committee or as specified by the previous National Assembly. Each chapter shall be given at least thirty days’ notice of the time and place of the National Assembly.
The official publication of the Society is the Delta Epsilon Sigma Journal. The Executive Committee has the power to appoint the Editor of the Journal, who must be a member of Delta Epsilon Sigma. Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, the editor determines the policy, costs, and periodicity of the Journal.
This Constitution may be amended at a National Assembly by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the represented chapters. Proposed amendments must be sent to all chapters at least thirty days before the National Assembly. The National Assembly may adopt an amendment not proposed in advance by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the chapters represented. The Executive Committee may also submit amendments by mail to the chapters. The chapters shall be given a period of sixty days for voting. Any chapter failing to return its vote within the said sixty days shall be counted as voting in the affirmative. In this case a three-quarters affirmative vote is required for adoption.